Preparation on to bring Province Academy Bill, says CM Acharya

NL Today

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Lumbini: Chief Minister of Lumbini provincial government Chet Narayan Acharya has asserted that the Lumbini province government was ready to move ahead at partnership for further study, conservation and development of fine arts in Lumbini province.

During the meeting with Chancellor of Nepal Academy of Fine Arts, Narad Mani Hartamchhali, member-secretary Devendra Thumkeli as well as other representatives this morning, Chief Minister Acharya  shared that they were ready to move ahead making partnership for the, conservation of art, culture, literature, skill and heritages of Lumbini province.

H further said that preparation was underway to forward a bill for the formation of Province Academy, mentioning, “The government is committed for the conservation of art, culture, literature and heritages in the province.”

Similarly, Chancellor Hartamchhali requested the Lumbini province government to put study and research of fine art in priority.

He pointed out the need of study, research and innovation on various genres of arts as well as creation of different arts and their display.

Likewise, Member-Secretary Thumkeli shared that programme has been forwarded in order to make Gadawa of Dang as the hub of ceramics. (RSS)