Cabinet decisions: Committee formed to search for TU’s property

NL Today

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Kathmandu: The government has formed a committee under the coordination of former Secretary Sharada Prasad Trital to search for all moveable (land) and immovable property in the Kathmandu Valley, which belong to the Tribhuvan University (TU), the oldest university in Nepal.

A meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 29 made the committee comprising former joint secretaries Mahendra Kumar Thapa and Janaki Bhallav Adhikari and TU expert member Pro Dr Prem Sagar Chapagain as its members, according to Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Rekha Sharma.

Under-secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has been designated as the member secretary of the Committee. They will prepare a substantive report after seeking all moveable and immovable properties of TU which are in the valley.

Likewise, the Cabinet meeting endorsed the proposal to seek consultations of the Public Service Commission regarding the Nepal Special Service ( 20th amendment) Regulations, 2081 BS.

The government granted permission to Dr Araniko Kumar Pande, a member of the National Planning Commission, to participate in the Expert Dialogue on Mountains and Climate Change (June 3-7), United Nations Climate Change scheduled to be held in Bonn, Germany.

Likewise, the meeting has permitted Attorney General Dinmani Pokhrel to participate in an event on Special Jurisdiction for Peace (June 1-6) to be held in Bogata, Colombia.

Similarly, the participation of Secretary Udaya Raj Sapkota of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Secretary Phanindra Gautam at the Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs and Nepal Army’s Major General Jeevan Prasad Dahal in the same visit has been endorsed by the Council of Ministers.

The government endorsed the participation of Kathmandu Metropolis mayor Balen Shah to the ninth session of the World Urban Forum (WUF9) scheduled to take place in Singapore from June 2 to 4. (RSS)