Kathmandu: On Saturday, Kapilvastu District Police made public a 25-year-old man named Shisir Tamang arrested on charges of human trafficking.
According to police, the arrested man is a resident of Dupcheshwor Rural Municipality in Nuwakot district.
Police Inspector Madhav Bishwakarma, spokesperson at the Kapilvastu District Police, said that the man was arrested from Leingate in ward 2 of Krishnanagar Municipality, Kapilvastu.
“It has been revealed that Tamang was trafficking vulnerable people from Nepal to India,” said Police Inspector Bishwakarma. “Tamang was arrested while taking a person from Kathmandu to India.”
Earlier, Tamang was presented in the court and has been remanded into judicial custody.
Further investigation into the case is going on, Police Inspector Bishwakarma added.