Nat’l ID card not mandatory to collect social security allowances

NL Today

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Kathmandu: The government has postponed its earlier decision of submitting the national identity card from the beneficiaries of the social security allowance.

A meeting of the Council of Ministers held on Thursday decided to direct the Home Ministry to carry out its activities without seeking the national ID card from the beneficiaries since making the national ID card was uncomfortable due to the incidents of national disasters.  

After the cabinet meeting, Minister for Communications and Information Technology Rekha Sharma said that a decision was made not to implement the national ID card for the immediate period as a tough situation was created for the citizens to make the national ID card due to the rain, floods and landslides. 

Earlier, the government had issued a notice in the Nepal Gazette with the mandatory provision of national identity card to receive all sorts of public service.

The cabinet meeting also decided to extend the tenure of the Commission of Investigation on Enforced Disappeared Persons, Nepal (CIEDP) and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission until mid-July 2025.

Minister Sharma said that a decision has been made to publish an order in the Nepal Gazette to remove the obstacles to extend the deadline of both commissions.

Furthermore, the cabinet meeting approved the memorandum of understanding to be signed between Nepal and the Government of China on “Strengthening the Development Cooperation in Building the Trans-Himalayan Multidimensional Connectivity Network”. 

Likewise, the cabinet meeting decided to enlist Humlu caste as the country’s ethnic community as per the recommendation of the National Foundation for Development of Indigenous Nationalities (NFDIN). (RSS)